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Tag: Kairos

Nauticor performs Rostock’s first ship-to-ship Bunkering

Nauticor’s LNG bunker vessel Kairos, the biggest in the world, has supplied LNG to DEME’s next generation offshore installation vessel Orion. Taking place at...

Klaipėda Station to meet Growing Demand for Small-Scale LNG

Klaipėdos Nafta’s (KN) LNG bunkering and transportation vessel, Kairos, performed the tenth ship-to-ground transportation operation at Klaipėda reloading station. Vessels from other major companies...

KN Prepares for 2020 Emissions Restrictions with Kairos Operations

Kairos, a liquified natural gas (LNG) feeder and bunker vessel has begun regular operations in the Baltic. The 117-meter-long vessel is expected to perform bi-monthly reload operations...