Klaipėda Station to meet Growing Demand for Small-Scale LNG

Klaipėdos Nafta’s (KN) LNG bunkering and transportation vessel, Kairos, performed the tenth ship-to-ground transportation operation at Klaipėda reloading station. Vessels from other major companies like Gasum and Shell have also utilized the station since it launched in 2017.

The Klaipėda station, developed by KN, accepts LNG from carrier vessels and temporary storage. The station further provides reloading to LNG semi-trailer vehicles. Recently, trucks were loaded with LNG and sent to clients in eastern Europe.  

The station in Klaipėda expects to meet growing demand for small-scale LNG operations. Findings from Energias Market Research show that the small-scale LNG market will triple by 2030 and will likely point to demand for LNG road transportation. The capability for road-transportation will allow location not connected to a pipeline to still reap the benefits of cleaner LNG.

KN CEO Mindaugas Jusius stated, “International analysts forecast that 2019 will be the year of expansion of the small-scale LNG business. KN has been ready to start this year – we have all necessary tools in Klaipėda to supply the cleanest marine fossil fuel with minimum emission to the sea in all Baltic Sea ports. Moreover, the services of the LNG reloading station are open to all clients; therefore, LNG can be used as a cleaner fuel alternative by all who want to use it.”

The Klaipėda LNG terminal is adjacent to the port of Klaipėda and has a 1,000 m3 capacity.