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TransCameron Pipeline receives FERC Authorization

The US Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) has granted Venture Global LNG, Inc authorization for the Global Calcasieu Pass LNG facility and the TransCameron...

Klaipėda Station to meet Growing Demand for Small-Scale LNG

Klaipėdos Nafta’s (KN) LNG bunkering and transportation vessel, Kairos, performed the tenth ship-to-ground transportation operation at Klaipėda reloading station. Vessels from other major companies...

Klaipėdos Nafta Grows Small-Scale LNG Reload Operations

The Kairos LNG feeder and bunker vessel reload marked Klaipėdos nafta’s (KN’s) 20th small-scale LNG reloading operation. KN’s LNG terminal reload operations began in 2017 and...